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Thrilled that I FAILED!

Writer's picture: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

You can't see it from this angle. Trust me, this cup is a mess. Lumpy and pitted epoxy, stickers falling off, ridges and bubbles galore.

I am so glad I failed! Weeeeee!

Have you ever been pleased with failing at a project? Today, I am. I am more than pleased; I am ecstatic.

No, I haven’t lost my mind. Not fully, at least. I don’t think so, anyway.


I really thought I wanted to make epoxy tumblers. It sounded like a fantastic idea. I purchased supplies, made a mess with glitter, and wasted a few cups. I was able to make one halfway decent one, all the others ended up in the trash. Today, I decided to give it one more shot. It looked so easy on YouTube! I watched 10+ hours of videos, bought a couple more “tools” for my venture, and went to work.

Bottom line: I didn’t enjoy making these cups. It was ok, I guess. Not my favorite. I don’t know exactly when I knew this. I didn’t admit it to myself until today. Making these looked like fun, and seemed easy in the how-to videos. It was not fun for me, not even a little. I kept at it out of stubbornness. In the midst of my failed attempts, I had a glitter experience that could be featured on a comedy show (or horror picture!) It involved a box fan and a pile of spilled glitter. Friend, that’s as far as I’ll go with reliving it. Imagine what you may. It was awful and hilarious at the same time. I will be picking up pink, purple, and silver glitter for at least a year. Can anyone relate? Am I the only one that has faced off with this stuff and lost?

Back to being happy about failing. Soon, I’ll head to the trash can with a bag filled with a messy, drippy, epoxy, and sticker laden cup.

I tried to salvage some of the epoxy by making another item – which didn’t work out either. Yay, I say. Hurrah! I am done with epoxy. For now . . . Who knows what the future holds. It will not involve glitter, though. That, I am sure of.

I am happy because I have released myself from making something I did not enjoy. I returned two of the new items I purchased, and used the credit to purchase a dress form that I love and will use. I just noticed, it has a sprinkle of pink glitter on it. Ugh. I just brought it into the house. How could that happen?

What are you releasing?

It’s ok to let go of crafty things that don’t bring us joy. Sometimes a hobby no longer suits us. We may feel guilt over spending money on supplies. Or an obligation because we “said” we would do it. That’s how I felt. I laugh now, looking back at how forced this craft felt. Sitting in my rocking chair on the front porch, I am giggling about the glitter I see sparkling on my shoe. It’s time for a glass of sweet tea, and, when that’s finished, I’ll bag up my mess and deposit it in the trash bin.

Of course, I prayed about how I felt - and when I opened my Bible, I read Psalm 131 1-2 (NKJV): Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters. Nor with things too profound for me. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.

I am at peace. Calm, quiet and happy!

As always, please comment below and let me know what you think. You can also reach me by email – if you need prayer or want to talk.



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