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My lifelong goal has always been to write. This is now my main focus. My first book is published and available worldwide, many more are coming soon! Several Bible studies are in the works as well. 


As a Christian ghostwriter/guest blogger/content creator, I strive to encourage women to get their thoughts and ideas on the page. Overcoming trauma is tough business, but with God, all things are possible. How can I help you today?


My life’s purpose is to comfort women, and provide a written beacon of positivity as we travel together through this crazy thing called life! I consider myself a survivor on multiple levels. I will dive into a few of the obstacles I've faced, and how I work on overcoming them. A survivor of sexual assault, domestic abuse, church hurt, and a life-threatening illness, I want to share insight and my story along the way.


Private coaching and workshop information will be coming soon. I look forward to meeting you in person!


My goal is to post to my blog a minimum of once a week, and create a live video twice a month. I look forward to relaxing and having a comforting cup of coffee or tea with you as we dive in. I enjoy crafting and will host random giveaways of items I make too - winners announced in my blog/newsletter. (Subscribe on the Blog page)


Comments are always appreciated and much welcomed. You can also reach me directly via email if you have private prayer requests or just want to chat in confidence. 


Hebrews 5:18 (NIV) "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." 


My very best,

Tammy Arlene

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