I usually review my vision board on a regular basis, but I haven't been so good at it lately. A major life change (a positive one), health challenges and caring for my aging mom have thrown me off of routine a little!
When I worked full time in sales, I was often asked how I remained so successful (as the top District Coordinator in my state and territory) despite medical challenges, and I always had the same answer.
"I have a written plan, and review my goals every day."
Up until recently, I was the leader of an extremely successful sales team. I had a quota, a group of new agents to train, and the responsibilities could get overwhelming. Not to mention, I spent most weekends in ICU, and many days getting transfusions and infusions as a result of my medical condition. The only way to conquer all I had to get done was to put everything in its own box. I printed up my quarterly sales goal, listed my weekly sales goal, and then wrote down my progress every couple of days. I used a graphic of a target, with my sales goal as the bullseye! I planned out my month ahead of time. I confirmed my calendar every day and made sure I filled every necessary time block with an activity that would help reach my goals.
I am going to get back into that habit, with my writing (daily words written/time spent writing), school (finishing my BA), and my part-time sales goals (income) - while taking care of my mom, and myself!
I have a calendar set up, with color-coded time blocks. I even scheduled time for self-care.
How do you reach your goals and keep your vision alive? I want my vision for 2018 to remain 20/20!
Let's do this!