Do you have a goal? Something on your bucket list that you will get to "someday?"
Today was my "someday." I took a big next step in the process of getting my book finished and published. I will have more details to share in the future, but the biggest news is that I actually took that step, a leap of faith, that I have put off for a long time. It is both exhilarating and terrifying wrapped up with one big bright bow.
Is there something you can do today - even if it is a small "baby-sized" step, toward your vision? It will be worth it. The feeling I have about my step is worth it. I constantly procrastinate, thinking I have plenty of time to get things done. Why not work on getting it done now? I am officially procrastinating my procrastination until I get important stuff done!
Last night I woke up from a dream. I'll preface my next words with this: It was not a scary dream, merely an informative one. I dreamt that I was gone, I don't know how it happened (maybe I was missing or ?), and people were standing around talking about my life. Of course, as typical for these types of events, there were obligatory murmurs of things I had done or said over the course of my life. I was somewhere in the background thinking - "WAIT, hold on! I need to get back there - I have so much more to do! I am not finished yet!! What about my writing? I need to get back there and do . . ." and I created a to-do list for myself. When I woke up, I knew I had to do something about it. I had to take a step. Just one step, at least a small one - so I did.
On another note, I checked my mailbox today. Guess what?? No snail mail from my beautiful friends! I want to do the giveaway this month and will be drawing the winner from someone who writes to me (real mail). So, what that means is, your chances of winning are pretty high at this point! Mailing address information under "Contact Me" page.​​
Comments are welcome, and I love getting your emails too! Let me know what you are working on and how you are doing.
All my best, Tammy Arlene