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Writer's pictureTammy Arlene

You can't see it from this angle. Trust me, this cup is a mess. Lumpy and pitted epoxy, stickers falling off, ridges and bubbles galore.

I am so glad I failed! Weeeeee!

Have you ever been pleased with failing at a project? Today, I am. I am more than pleased; I am ecstatic.

No, I haven’t lost my mind. Not fully, at least. I don’t think so, anyway.


I really thought I wanted to make epoxy tumblers. It sounded like a fantastic idea. I purchased supplies, made a mess with glitter, and wasted a few cups. I was able to make one halfway decent one, all the others ended up in the trash. Today, I decided to give it one more shot. It looked so easy on YouTube! I watched 10+ hours of videos, bought a couple more “tools” for my venture, and went to work.

Bottom line: I didn’t enjoy making these cups. It was ok, I guess. Not my favorite. I don’t know exactly when I knew this. I didn’t admit it to myself until today. Making these looked like fun, and seemed easy in the how-to videos. It was not fun for me, not even a little. I kept at it out of stubbornness. In the midst of my failed attempts, I had a glitter experience that could be featured on a comedy show (or horror picture!) It involved a box fan and a pile of spilled glitter. Friend, that’s as far as I’ll go with reliving it. Imagine what you may. It was awful and hilarious at the same time. I will be picking up pink, purple, and silver glitter for at least a year. Can anyone relate? Am I the only one that has faced off with this stuff and lost?

Back to being happy about failing. Soon, I’ll head to the trash can with a bag filled with a messy, drippy, epoxy, and sticker laden cup.

I tried to salvage some of the epoxy by making another item – which didn’t work out either. Yay, I say. Hurrah! I am done with epoxy. For now . . . Who knows what the future holds. It will not involve glitter, though. That, I am sure of.

I am happy because I have released myself from making something I did not enjoy. I returned two of the new items I purchased, and used the credit to purchase a dress form that I love and will use. I just noticed, it has a sprinkle of pink glitter on it. Ugh. I just brought it into the house. How could that happen?

What are you releasing?

It’s ok to let go of crafty things that don’t bring us joy. Sometimes a hobby no longer suits us. We may feel guilt over spending money on supplies. Or an obligation because we “said” we would do it. That’s how I felt. I laugh now, looking back at how forced this craft felt. Sitting in my rocking chair on the front porch, I am giggling about the glitter I see sparkling on my shoe. It’s time for a glass of sweet tea, and, when that’s finished, I’ll bag up my mess and deposit it in the trash bin.

Of course, I prayed about how I felt - and when I opened my Bible, I read Psalm 131 1-2 (NKJV): Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters. Nor with things too profound for me. Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with his mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.

I am at peace. Calm, quiet and happy!

As always, please comment below and let me know what you think. You can also reach me by email – if you need prayer or want to talk.



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Writer's pictureTammy Arlene


I feel like a stranger, I haven’t been writing on the blog like I planned so long ago. I’ve made several life changes in the past 8 months, including a cross country move! I have also made wise decisions about my mental and physical health that are paying off in a big way!

I say all that to let you know that I am starting a blog series entitled “Who Am I?” I am going to journal my way through the good and bad of discovering who I am, and what I was created for. Of course, God will play a big part in this journey—after all, He is the one who created us.

Speaking of play: I plan on using “play” to figure out my purpose! I am all about having fun these days. How long has it been since you truly played? Laughed until your gut hurt? I am sure I will do a lot of laughing as well as crying as I travel through the next few months. I am glad to know you are along for the ride. I promise to be honest and open, as always.

As always, please comment below and let me know what you think. You can also reach me by email – if you need prayer or need to talk.

Let’s go . . .



P.S. I will drop a new post at least once a week - more frequently if something share worthy comes up!

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Writer's pictureTammy Arlene

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

You are predestined. So am I. I know this is true because we were uniquely created by God in His image. And to top it off, God knows every part of us. You may read this and think that it’s not true. However, scripture clarifies and confirms both of these statements. One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Psalm 139. In verses 1-6, we learn that God knows everything about us, including our thoughts. These two verses stand out to me.

Psalm 139 (NKJV)

2: You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.

3: You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.

When you read these verses, do you feel comforted? Can I suggest reading more of this chapter in your bible and journaling your thoughts?

How do you feel when you consider that God is omnipresent and uniquely involved in your life? That He knows everything, including your thoughts?

I'd love to hear from you.

For me, it is refreshing. I am a planner, and can get nervous not knowing what the future holds. I am comforted by the fact that God knows the past, present, and future - and that He has a plan for my life - even though I may not see it right now.

Exciting News: From Pain to Purpose, A 12-Week Bible Study! It is available on Amazon NOW! Click the Link below:

This will be a stand alone workbook, or can be used as a companion to the video study offered here:

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