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Writer's pictureTammy Arlene

Sometimes a tiny mindset shift can impact an entire day!

I chose happiness (and coffee) when I woke up the day this photo was taken. It rained. I laughed, danced, and went hiking anyway.

There are so many other choices I could have made.

What we focus on first thing in the morning will affect the rest of the day.

I received call with disturbing medical news the other day. Praise God, I already put my robe of positivity on with my morning routine. I was able to process and accept the information in a way that was emotionally sound for me. I can focus without being bogged down with what the enemy would like me to focus on.

Instead, I reflect on Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,

“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future”

Let’s be intentional on how we start our days. Here’s my morning schedule:

Wake up early (usually by 5 a.m.)

Grab Coffee on my way to the kitchen table


Read Bible


Make a list of everything I am grateful for

Then, I can move forward. After a little more coffee, that is.

Do you need to switch up your morning routine?

I’ve been blessed since I changed my morning routine this year. I’d love to hear about your routine too.



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Writer's pictureTammy Arlene

What defines me? Who am I?

This journey of self-discovery has proven it’s value. Sharing it has kept me accountable. I am blessed that you have taken time to read my ramblings.

The most important question to ask ourselves is: “Whose am I?”

Answer: I am a blessed and highly favored child of God! Knowing this FACT changes my perspective.

I am making healthy choices, despite obstacles that are thrown my way. I am maintaining positivity, despite negative thoughts and surroundings. All of this is because I am God’s beloved, and He is mine.

Today, I decided to make a list of my old thoughts vs. new thoughts as I grow and discover who I am.

Lies: Truths:

Sickly I am a survivor following Whipple and complications

Victim I survived domestic/sexual and emotional abuse

Dependent on opinion of others I make my own choices, led by God

Depressed Happiness is my choice

Focused on the past I’ve discovered grace I’ve received, and freely give grace

The words that stand out to me are:


Godly choices


Those all sound pretty good, considering the alternatives. I see it as sink or swim. I choose to swim.

It feels easy to focus on lies—the enemy would like us to do that.

The truth is, life is so much easier when we focus on God’s truth.

Whatever we focus on grows! If we focus on negative aspects of life, we will get more troubles and trials. I, for one, do not want any of that garbage piling up in my life. I’ve taken it out to the curb.

Let’s focus on the truth together. Water positive seeds, and see them grow into a beautiful life. Once I started focusing on the positive, I saw blessings all around. I pray you find the same.

Would making a list like this help you?

Blessings and hugs!


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Writer's pictureTammy Arlene

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

In the process of discovering who I am, I’ve spent quite a bit of time looking in the mirror. That’s an uncomfortable practice for me. I wish I learned to do this earlier in life. Now that I’m in my 50’s, I finally feel free to explore and learn about me.

Sometimes we have to get uncomfortable to get comfortable, if that makes sense. I look at the reflection and pray that I can see what God sees. I’ve always felt unattractive and tried to make up for it by people pleasing (instead of God pleasing.) I’ve spent too many years disliking the woman that stared back at me. I’ve even been known to say, “I wish I could rip my ugly face off.” Horrible, right? Hmmm. I could wallow in it and point fingers at things that happened in my past. That's easy to do.

Stomp on the brakes! I’m not going there. No more blaming the past for decisions I’ve made and situations I’ve gotten myself into. Instead, I've chosen to start loving that unique woman in the mirror. I want to know all about her, and why she looks back at me with such sad eyes.

I am in charge of how I feel. With God, all things are possible. After nearly half a decade of struggling, God, only God, has been able to heal me! I didn’t use a 12-step program, although those are helpful for many. A 1-step program did the trick for me. Step 1: Go to God! He already knows what you are going through, and will help you. Does it sound too good to be true? To easy? It is. I promise.

Isaiah 43:4. “Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you …” God loves me so much that He sent Jesus to save me before I was born. In His sight, I am honored and loved. It’s about time I started honoring and loving myself too.

Since we are talking about appearance, I’ve been considering letting my hair grow out gray. I’ve colored my hair for over 20 years. Every 4 weeks or so, I’d panic and either go buy a box of color or make an appointment at a salon. I hated seeing the little bit of natural tinsel peeking out!

Guess what? I’m finally going for it. I really don’t care to fuss over my hair. I have already given up wearing makeup except on a rare occasion. I’d rather busy myself with a craft project than worry about covering up my face and true hair color! I did seek backup, though. Emotional support was necessary to make such a drastic change and break this habit. I let friends know about my decision, and they have encouraged me. And, my new Tennessee stylist and friend has this situation all under control. Comment and let me know if you’d like to see how it is working out! And if you see me out and about, check out my new crown of glory!

Is there anything you’ve been putting off? Is there something you do that no longer serves the you that you see in the mirror today? What steps are you taking to make a positive change?

If you are like me, and have struggled with negative self-image, know that this can be conquered with prayer, journaling, and a little mirror time. I created a “negative self-talk” worksheet that may be able to help. Email me if you would like it send your way.

Blessings and hugs!


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